
Friday, March 9, 2012

Things I Never Thought I'd Say

          We've all been there. We are in a heated moment with our children, we're frustrated and tired and dying to just have them obey, or stop arguing and trust you, and the next thing we know the voice of our mother is being channeled through our own mouths and out come the words "because I said so!," or "you'll thank me later," or "that's exactly why I told you that was a bad idea."
          But then there are days that I  laugh out loud because I cannot believe the things that are coming out of my mouth. I was looking through some old journals the other day and found these lines I had written down for prosperity. These were the days when it was all-littles-all-the-time. Sometimes I really miss these day, but mostly I remember how tired I was all the time. To you moms' in the trenches: you will come out on the other side!

        The following are my top 9 favorites of recent memory: (I know it would make more sense if there were 10, but I am too tired to think of any more and I risk just making things up to make you laugh).

 9.  Please don't climb that tree with scissors in your mouth.

 8.  No you cannot jump off the bed onto your brother's shoulders.

 7.  Please don't sit on the baby's head and fart; I don't care if he's laughing there is no way he actually likes it.

 6.  (To a screaming three year old holding a ruler) Please stop crying, I didn't know you wanted to measure the poop before mommy flushed it down the potty.

 5.   Yes, it's true when I was growing up there was no such thing as a DVR, and no it was not 66 years ago.

 4.  (To the three year old riding his bike in front of the house) It's 45 degrees outside where are your pants...and underwear?

3.  No you cannot give up your little brother for Lent.

2.  Is that peanut butter or poop on the bathroom floor? Oh thank goodness, it's peanut butter!!

Is that peanut butter or poop on the bathroom floor? Oh thank goodness, it's peanut butter!!

Comment and tell us the craziest things to come out of your mouth lately! We know every day is full of surprises!


1 comment:

  1. Annie, this is Hilarious! I think I was there for the Peanut Butter one...
