
About Me

Thanks for stopping by my little blog!

I am still kind of finding my way around the blogosphere and sometimes feel a little overwhelmed with all the options, the pressure to get readers and the haunting concern that it's just a touch self-indulgent.

But, I love to write! Before I was a mother of 7, surrounded by diapers and juice cups, and carpool lines I was a bit of an academic, a writer, a teacher. I was a human person with a brain that worked, sometimes it worked very well.


                                                             Our beautiful oldest (2003)

Fast-forward 10.5 years and sometimes it feels like I lost my brain somewhere along the way. My beautiful step-daughter was 7 when we got married and we very happily welcomed out first son as our favorite souvenir from our honeymoon 8 months later (he was in the NICU, I have proof he was early). Sixteen months after him came his brother. Copy/Paste and you have the next 7 years pretty much figured out.

Our first two sons (2005)

In the midst of all the chaos, and baby growing, the constant nursing, laundry, dinners, and doctors, it was one thing not to recognize my body (don't get me started!), but I found I really needed a way to use my mind again, in a way that didn't involve patting myself on the back because I had memorized Good Night Moon and could now read it to the children with my eyes closed.

                                            Son #3 checking out his new SISTER! (2009)

So this is my platform, my way to stretch my brain and to remind myself that I have gifts outside of my family life. Of course most of what I write about is my family life, because my first vocation is my family, and you can't make this shit up! My hope is that I can be an encouragement, that we can laugh together over the ridiculous and the crazy, and that God might use me to be a voice of joy and hope and truth in a world that so often devalues the family in a way that can be dangerously isolating (yes I am aware I just got all spiritual after cussing in the last sentence).

                                                                   Son #4 (2011)

                                           This poor baby is son #5, baby #7...this is just his life!

So that's a little peek into my life. I hope you find yourself here for a little coffee break, a moment of reflection, or just to remind yourself that you are not alone!  This life is hard. Whether you have 1 child, or 10 children it will be the biggest challenge of your life and it will be a way for God to make you more like him, my hope is that my words will remind you that in spite of all the hardship there is a loving and perfect God who only wants to draw you to himself and eventually usher you into heaven...where there will be no tears, no pain, and no dirty diapers!

                                                               This is us now (2013)

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